
b. April 16, 1955
Cassie Strasser obtained her BFA in printmaking/sculpture from Newcomb College, Tulane University in 1976, studying under James Steg, Jules Struppeck, and Arthur Kern.  It was during those years that she was introduced to the idea of a “Modern Man” image as depicted by such artists as Ernest Trova, Eadweard Muybridge and the Bauhaus Art movement.

After graduating Cassie joined with several artists, including her future husband, Peter J. Strasser, at an artist collaborative in Lakeland, Florida. Experimenting now primarily in silkscreen art, the prints on paper and other found materials began to be moved off the page and the 2-diminsional context into a more sculptural form. Using light emanating from simple geometric shaped plywood boxes, the silkscreened images of life-sized human profiles on translucent  paper were transformed into glowing, delicate swirls of paint.  

From 1980 - 1987 Cassie worked as an art installer in the Objects Conservation Department at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.  The work required the intricate manufacture of brass, wood and acrylic mounts for the display of a variety of art objects in the Rockefeller and Egyptian Wings, as well as other areas of the museum.  It was there that she further developed her mechanical skills and more importantly developed a relationship of seeing an art object in the context of it's historical and cultural context.  

Today Cassie and her husband, Peter live in upstate New York on 7 acres of wooded land with a 160-year-old barn.  She is still on this quest to develop an image with her art that captures what it means to be human.